Divine Yoni Steam Herbs
Organic Yoni Steam Herbs hand crafted by Malinda Rochelle with love and healing intention in mind!
Gentle: Herbs crafted to support short menstrual cycles (27 days or less) and interim bleeding.
Nourishing: Herbs crafted for support with hot flashes, nightsweats, vaginal dryness or living in a very hot climate.
Cleanising: Best choice for old residue, postpartum and general use. Not suitable for women with short menstrual cycles.
Disinfectant: Herbs designed reduce inflammation, drain excess vaginal mucus while killing bacteria, funguses, and viruses.
Each Divine Yoni Steam Herbal Blend will come with enough for 4 steam sessions. Herbs can be refrigerated and used again within a day.
PS: Its best to book a consult for the correct herbal blend, days and duration of your steams 🤎
Organic Yoni Steam Herbs hand crafted by Malinda Rochelle with love and healing intention in mind!
Each blend will come with enough herbs for 4 uses, with the option to refrigerate and use within 24 hours.
It is best to book a consult to ensure you are ordering the proper herbal blend for your needs. There are no returns or refunds.
Products will be shipped using USPS within 5-7 days of order.